2024 Year in Review
We are pleased to present this summary of the Industry Data for Society Partnership’s (IDSP) 2024 Year in Review. A full report is also available for download.
The IDSP is a network of leading companies committed to making private sector data more open and accessible to address societal issues. This report provides an overview of the partnership’s activities and insights from the past year.

In this report, you will learn more about the work of the partnership to advance purpose driven approaches and overcome hurdles to opening data, as well as our future plans. It highlights the partnership’s ongoing work to draw attention to the importance of data sharing and collaboration.
Our belief is that data is a powerful resource for accelerating the development of solutions to benefit society. By sharing our experiences and expertise with researchers, policymakers, civil society, and other data practitioners, we aim to demonstrate the value of using private sector data to tackle critical global challenges, such as climate change, health, education, and inequity.
This year, we committed to create practical resources tailored for the private sector, engage in dialogue and collaboration with the broader research community, and highlight how private sector data can be applied to societal challenges. To achieve our goals, we built on the foundation of our first year, with a focus on building community in year two.

The work of the IDSP is driven by collaboration. The GovLab and the OpenData Institute (ODI) continue to provide support and expertise to help us shape and implement our initiatives. Their thought leadership helps ensure that our efforts align with best practices in data access and sharing, while their connections with the research community help expand our reach and identify opportunities for partnership and data collaboration.

Over the last year, we’ve seen countless areas where more open data can be put to work. As we look to the future, we remain committed to highlighting industry’s contributions – and leaning in where we still have work to do. We look forward to what we can achieve together in year three

Spotlight: Data Dive Podcast
The Data Dive podcast series, produced in collaboration with the ODI, aimed to inspire companies to share their data while providing practical insights to researchers and practitioners on how to leverage this information for innovative solutions. The five-episode series features industry leaders sharing why they decided to expand data access, alongside data scientists explaining how they use this data to advance their work.

The Data Dive podcast gives guidance to organizations looking to begin their data access journey, and for those looking to use private sector data in their research and social impact activities.
The Data Dive series was broken down into the following five episodes:
- Cultivating the Data Landscape – Part 1
Experts from Microsoft, GitHub, and the ODI outlined the challenges and rewards of opening up data and the impact it can create.
- Cultivating the Data Landscape – Part 2
Northumbrian Water, UK Power Networks, and the ODI shared insights into how private companies can make their data accessible to help address global challenges.
- Building Bridges – Part 1
Representatives from LinkedIn, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and the ODI explored the benefits for researchers when they gain access to private sector data.
- Building Bridges – Part Two
This episode featured experts from Microsoft, Ookla, and the ODI discussing how industry data has fueled new ideas and societal impact.
- Engineering the Future
Experts from Hewlett Packard Enterprise, GitHub, and the ODI shared practical tips for data scientists and innovation teams on accessing and sharing private sector data.

Year in Review 2024
To read more about the partnership, other initiatives, and future plans, download the full report.